Industrial Internet of Things represents the integration of physical machinery, sensors, and devices with the digital world.  IIoT enables these assets to communicate, collect data, and make informed decisions autonomously for industries such as manufacturing, energy, agriculture, transportation, ..  by embedding sensors, actuators, and communication technologies into industrial assets.

The IIoT offers a multitude of benefits that have the potential to revolutionize industries and reshape the way businesses operate. Here are some key advantages of adopting IIoT solutions:

  • Operational Efficiency and Productivity Enhancement: IIoT enables real-time monitoring of equipment and processes, allowing businesses to optimize operations, predict maintenance and make data-driven decisions, this leads to streamlined workflows, reduced downtime, and increased overall productivity.
  • Cost Reduction: Through improved asset management & predictive maintenance so company can reduce maintenance costs, and enable better control and optimization of energy usage through sensors and data analytics
  • Enhanced Quality Control by allowing continuous monitoring and data collection during production processes. This enables real-time quality control checks, identifying defects or variations early in the process and ensuring products meet high standards.
  • Inventory Management: by real-time tracking inventory levels and movements. This helps prevent out of stock, reduce excess inventory, and optimize supply chain management.
  • Remote Monitoring and Control: allows remote monitoring of operations, enabling businesses to manage and control equipment and processes from anywhere even if in meeting or business trip.
  • Enhance safety work place:  sensors can monitor workplace environments for hazardous conditions, such as temperature extremes, gas leaks, or toxic fumes,  helps ensure the safety of workers and compliance with safety regulations.


What is a Warehouse Management System?

Warehouse Management System (WMS) is a software application designed to oversee and optimize various warehouse processes, ranging from inventory management to order fulfillment. This systems employ advanced algorithms and technologies to manage tasks such as receiving, storing, picking, packing, and shipping goods in the most efficient manner possible.



Key Features of WMS:

  • Inventory Management: by provides real-time visibility into inventory levels, ensuring accurate tracking of stock, enables businesses to make informed decisions regarding restocking, reducing overstocking or out of stock.
  • Order Fulfillment: by identifying the most efficient picking routes, ensuring that workers pick items in the shortest possible time while minimizing travel distance.
  • Space Utilization: assists in effective space allocation within the warehouse by considering the size, weight, and demand of products
  • Accuracy and Reduced Errors: Automated data capture and barcode scanning minimize manual data entry errors then enhance order accuracy and reduces the chances of shipping incorrect items.
  • Labor Efficiency: With optimized processes and better resource allocation, WMS reduces the need for manual intervention, allowing employees to focus on value-added tasks rather than mundane activities.
  • Real-time Tracking: WMS provides real-time updates on inventory movements, order statuses, and shipping information, offering transparency throughout the supply chain.
  • Returns Management: Handling returns can be a complex process, but WMS simplifies it by automating the returns workflow, ensuring items are properly categorized, processed, and restocked.


An AGV is a driverless vehicle that can move around factory or warehouse floor autonomously, without human intervention. It is equipped with various sensors, cameras, and navigation systems that allow it to navigate its way around the facility and avoid obstacles. Additionally, AGVs can be programmed to follow specific routes and perform a variety tasks, including material handling, assembly line operations, and transportation of finished goods.

AGVs  adapt to changing production environments, and perform a variety of tasks make AGV is an ideal choice for various industries, including the automotive industry.

  • Safe and stable: Innovative and efficient system architecture design, three-layer security protection with the combination of software and hardware.
  • Cluster scheduling: Different types of logistics equipment can be uniformly scheduled at the same time.
  • Efficient and easy to use: Flexible and efficient scheduling strategy, simple operation, and help to quickly deploy production.
  • Quick return: Can greatly reduce costs; High work efficiency can help optimize the allocation of human resources.
  • Simple deployment: A variety of navigation methods, simple transformation of the environment, can be successfully deployed
  • Strong compatibility: Compatible with multiple navigation modes, it can efficiently connect with a variety of systems and equipment of customers.

Its Control System allows everything under control, support first-come first-served, real-time resource optimal evaluation based on machine learning; analyzing historical task records, optimizing the task flow, automatically entering the standby area, and pre-response tasks.



The ACRs are automated storage and retrieval systems designed and developed specifically to handle cases. They include proprietary HAIPICK robots and intelligent software system HAIQ. The HAIPICK robots do the picking, sorting, and transport between shelves and workstations. HAIQ system is the central command for HAIPICK robots, conveyor belts, loading and unloading workstations and other devices including robotic arms, AGVs or AMRs made by others.

Key benefits from systems:

  • Optimize warehouse space: The customizable storage solution can maximize the use of the existing space, increase the storage capacity per unit area and lower the cost of land use, with up to 95% of the vertical space put in use and the storage density increased by 80% – 400%.
  • Increase accurate and efficient: Powered by AI algorithms, the ACR systems boosts totes picking accuracy to 99.99%, improving accuracy and efficiency of order fulfillment.
  • Reduce labor cost by improving employees’ efficiency by 3-4 times.
  • Flexible solution allows easy expansion of business: As e-commerce booms, some 3PL companies see capacity of their original facilities reaching a limit. With ACR systems, the expansion of warehouse can be realized flexibly and agilely. In terms of compatibility, the combination of the robots, the HAIQ system can ensure the flow of information between multiple devices. Users can deploy ACR systems easily according to their changing business needs, without causing disruptions to operation.

Currently, 3PL, e-commerce, apparel, retail, grocery, automotive & manufacturing, electronics, and pharmaceutical industries are already turning to ACR to enhance and accelerate their operations.

ACR solutions are helping warehousing, distribution centers, and manufacturing facilities worldwide in over 30 countries advance their operations. Below are some reference:



Whatever your industry sector, Modula lets you store any type of product or spare part, in varying sizes, weights, heights and volumes

Vertical Lift Module are fully automated vertical storage system that take up a height available. Thanks to their space-saving design, improved efficiency and productivity, and optimized inventory management process make VLM is an ideal choice for wide range of industries.

With VLM , operator can select the dual tray delivery system . This allow operator too work on one tray in the bay, wile the next is being collected for delivery once the first operation is completed. The external bay facilitates worker activity when using mechanical aids like forklifts, zero-weight crane or overhead hoists. Operator can also carry out picking simultaneously on two sides of the machine or have access to trays on different levels.



  • Small items
  • Products or consumer goods for distribution or sale
  • Finished and semi-finished products
  • Tools, equipment, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals
  • Electrical and electronic materials
  • Mechanical parts
  • Boxes, and much more



Goods-to-person is a solution that use a self-guided vehicle AMR to transport materials, goods, or products in a manufacturing or warehouse. It can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks, such as transporting materials between different locations within a warehouse, picking up and delivering products to assembly lines, or moving finished goods to a shipping area, loading and unloading materials from conveyor systems.

Some of the advantages of solution:

  • Increased Efficiency: AMRs can operate 24/7 and can be programmed to perform tasks faster than human operators. This can lead to increased productivity and throughput.
  • Improved Safety: AMRs are designed with safety in mind and are equipped with sensors that can detect obstacles and stop the vehicle to prevent collisions. This can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace
  • Reduced Labor Costs: By using AMRs, companies can reduce the need for human operators, which can lead to cost savings over time.
  • Digitalize the inventory information and track the whole process
  • Intelligent Maintenance: The robot control system regularly sends notifications of maintenance information and reminds the staff to do regular maintenance on the AMRs, which is easy and convenient.

Good to person can be applied in variety scenarios


The core of Hikrobot software platform architecture is the Intelligent Warehouse Management System and the Robotic Control System. iWMS with the upper-level system seamlessly to realize intelligent warehouse management at high efficiency and low costs. RCS  is used to build the map model and dispatch various robots. The two systems work together to link through the whole logistics process, connect various transfer scenarios seamlessly.



Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to identify and track objects.

RFID technology consists of three components: a reader, an antenna, and a tag. The tag contains a small microchip that stores information about the object, as well as an antenna that communicates with the reader via radio waves.

RFID technology is used in a wide range of applications, including inventory management, asset tracking, and supply chain management. One of the most significant advantages of RFID technology is its ability to automatically identify and track objects without the need for human intervention. This makes it a valuable asset for businesses looking to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs.

  • RFID technology can be used to track items in real-time, providing real-time visibility and control over inventory levels. This enables companies to optimize their supply chain operations, reduce inventory holding costs, and improve order fulfillment times.
  • Improved accuracy and speed over traditional barcode systems. While barcode systems require line-of-sight scanning, RFID technology can read tags from a distance, even when the tags are not visible.
  • Its ability to automate the process of data capture. Data can be captured automatically, reducing the need for manual data entry and improving data accuracy

RFID technology is used in various industries, including retail, healthcare, logistics, and manufacturing for inventory management, enabling operator to track items in real-time.


DataPARC is a comprehensive data management and analysis platform designed to streamline the entire data lifecycle, from collection to visualization. It offers a wide array of tools and functionalities that cater to the needs of data professionals, analysts, and decision-makers alike. Whether dealing with structured or unstructured data, DataParc provides a unified environment to handle diverse data types.


Key Features of DataParc

  1. Data Integration by supporting seamless integration of data from multiple sources, such as databases, APIs, and spreadsheets
  2. Data Cleansing and Transformation through intuitive interfaces, allowing users to perform tasks like data deduplication, normalization, and data type conversion.
  3. Advanced Analytics by offering a range of advanced analytics tools, including statistical analysis, machine learning, and predictive modeling. These capabilities enable data professionals to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and insights that drive informed decision-making.
  4. Data Visualization through provide interactive visualization tools that help users create insightful charts, graphs, and dashboards for troubleshooting and analysis.
  5. Collaboration and Sharing among team members by allowing them to work on projects simultaneously and simply monitor factory condition whenever users on meeting, travelling or at home.
  6. Security and Compliance offers features for role-based access control, data encryption, and compliance with industry regulations to ensure that sensitive information remains protected.




VIMF (known as Vietnam Industrial and Manufacturing Fair) is an international industry exhibition specializing in machinery, equipment, tools, materials, engineering technology applied to the manufacturing, mechanical,…

[ảnh: sưu tầm]

VIMF is a playground connecting businesses

VIMF was organized with the mission to help businesses in the industry gain new insights into innovative strategies, tools and trends in fields such as machine tools, metalworking, measuring tools, printing 3D design, production software, etc. At the same time, through the exhibition, businesses are encouraged to invest in developing automation technology, applying the industrial revolution 4.0 to save costs and increase productivity operating capacity.

The main audience of the exhibition comes from industrial parks, factories, contractors, solution houses, etc., so VIMF is truly a playground to help businesses easily meet and interact with experts. partners in the same field.

Thuan Thien Phat is very honored to have the opportunity to share technology and solutions for you. We hope that our partners and customers will have more useful and valuable information through the VIMF exhibition.

Thank you to the VIMF exhibition organizers for creating conditions for our businesses to connect with each other and congratulate the success of VIMF 2023.

Thuan Thien Phat is horned to attend the AUS4SKILLS seminar

In the past few days, Thuan Thien Phat (TTP) was honored to participate in an AUS4SKILLS seminar as a speaker.

The AUS4SKILLS Program is the short name for the Australia and Vietnam Program on Human Resource Development, this is a project of the Australian and Vietnamese governments to develop qualified and skilled human resources to meet the needs of the labor market, contributing to the sustainable socio-economic development of Vietnam.

We would like to thank AUS4SKILLS for giving us the opportunity to talk and share about the changes between new technology compared to traditional technology. In this new playground, employees must meet new skills such as programming skills, data analysis and artificial intelligence as well as the ability to work well in a digital environment.

Adopting new technology will definitely bring more benefits to employees, helping them to work more efficiently, save time and increase creativity. Open up many opportunities to learn and develop new skills.

Overall, new technology brings many benefits to employees, but at the same time requires them to have good skills and adaptability. If used correctly, new technology will help employees work more efficiently and create more opportunities for Vietnam’s socio-economic development in general and personal development in particular.